Trust is the opposite of fear

On our way to see His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, it became apparent that cell phones would not be allowed into Crisler Arena. It was a good thing I remembered a few things from the International Spy Museum, because I orchestrated a dead drop to myself. That bush over by the Plant Ops building looked innocuous enough, and I was pleased to find my phone still there a couple hours later, despite poor technique on my part—I could have been made!


Greg, if I knew how to make that little heart symbol icon thingie (that’s the official term), there’d be an “Ellen *hearts* Greg” in this comment section. You crack me up! I’m glad your visit to DC paid off hahaha. Is it too early to start lobbying for Katie and you to move to DC after the ROK?…you could finish perfecting your spy skills!

Ellen, it turns out they best way is to copy/paste somebody else’s heart: ♥. If only transplants were that easy… (or typing “♥” sometimes works)

DC, we’ll see. As you know, everything is wide open upon our return. I frequently look back on my time at the spy museum for practical skills for everyday use.

As for the comedy, I can’t promise consistency, but I have my moments (albeit accidental, mostly).

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