Old news

Pepero Day

On Tuesday we arrived at work only to realize that we had missed the memo on an important (unofficial) holiday: Pepero Day. Pepero, a chocolate-covered-breadstick-type-product is the gift of choice for your friends and classmates—and lucky for us, teachers too. The ostensible purpose of this whole ordeal remains unclear, but you can think of it like a cross between Valentine’s Day and Sweetest Day, although this doesn’t even try to seem genuine; it’s 100% pure, Grade-A marketing ploy, and the Lotte conglomerate couldn’t be happier about it.

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As a matter of opinion, I think the almond Pepero are the best, but the "nude" sticks are pretty tasty … [...]

Do they sell them year round?  Make sure you have some in the house when we come to visit. [...]

A familiar face

So Greg and I had our first visitor this weekend! My dad hopped across the Yellow Sea from Shanghai and stayed with us for three wonderful days.  He spent some time winning over the hearts of my kindergartners (they almost wouldn’t let him leave) and we, in turn, had fun trying to impress him in Seoul—not an easy task considering he is so well traveled. Nevertheless, we think we may have succeeded on the last day with a trip to the Noryangjin fish market and a live octopus lunch. I don’t think I can adequately describe how great it was to have my dad here for the weekend, but as always, the pictures will speak for themselves:

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Ha ha! That only works when your food doesn't fight back. Suction cups act as a pretty good defense against … [...]

The Soundtrack of our Lives: Part 3

And then there is this…..

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Greg. So glad all that drum major experience paid off!  I'm still grinning from ear to ear!  How adorable! [...]

lol you weren't hired to be music/dance teachers! you were hired to teach english! and ABBA is hardly english...its barely … [...]

The Soundtrack of our Lives: Girl Band Edition

I think it’s about time for a follow-up to our previous entry on the Korean music scene. We just can’t get away from the K-pop, and we thought if it’s driving us crazy, it should drive you crazy too.

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after watching the first two videos (the third was no longer available by the time i got to view them), … [...]


Clearly, Greg and I have been playing catch-up on these blog posts so as promised, here is one on our recent trip to Seoraksan. Greg’s birthday was a few weekends ago and it happily coincided with another national holiday ( something like Memorial day, I think). We had been to Seoul and a few few places around Gyeonggi-do, but we decided to take our last few dollars and the opportunity of a long weekend and to venture a little further in to South Korea.

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I had a good laugh at your hotel adventure.  Stirred a few memories.  You got blankets and you only had … [...]