Old news

Suwon: The City, The Horror, The Agony

Following our recent tendency to write about “last” weekend one week later, I wanted to tell everyone about our venture out to Suwon last Sunday.

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Hooray for photos!

I’ve finally got the laptop all back up and running again, and the upside of that is that we can finally post new pictures! The first set is from our trip into Seoul on Chuseok a couple weeks back.

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A quick little comic

At work today, my coworkers and I were talking about how to define certain classes of animals and whatnot (for a vocabulary test, of course), and in the process of discussing insects, vertebrates, and invertebrates, this little idea popped into my head: (Please excuse the terrible illustration)

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(Baby) One More Time

So, Greg and I have been in Korea almost a month now and I think we’ve covered most of the basics—the good, the bad, and the ugly—in terms of things that can induce culture shock here. One thing we haven’t discussed, and which definitely deserves it’s own post, is the music. From what we can tell, 1999 is alive and well here.  Yes, Koreans LOVE their pop music. Every time we are at Lotte Mart, or walking past a small shop with its doors open, it seems like we hear the same four songs. Lately, even in school, our kids have been singing and mimicking the choreography from a few of these songs. For example: 

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 *Sigh* Greg was my proof reader. Blame him. In all honesty, after eight hours of this a day, we just … [...]

Seoul searching on Chuseok

Last weekend we decided to break up the routine and venture out do something interesting. While we both agree that our jobs don’t really demand the kind of time and intellectual rigour we were used to in college,  it is a 9-5 job (or 10-6 to be more specific) and by the time the final bell rings we are usually too tired and hungry to do anything but head for home or to the nearest cheap restaurant with co-workers for dinner. So after 3½ weeks, I hadn’t been out of Suji and was desperately wanting to explore. Thus, we were happy to learn that Sunday, September 14th was a major holiday in Korea and we would have Monday off as a result.

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it's a good thing you mentioned some of the weird things SKs commonly give people as presents, otherwise i would … [...]

We missed you so much.  When Sophie was playing our tiny electric organ she found the "demo" button and immediately turned … [...]