Old news

Our First Last Day in Europe

And so the last day of our trip has arrived. Well, the penultimate day for Katelyn (and anybody else with GRE vocab cards). Much sadness was had but we managed to pull ourselves together enough to go out on the town and rent some bikes. For the record, there are 739,000 people and about 738,999 bikes in Amsterdam (the last guy has a motor-wheelchair so it really defeats the purpose of having a bike).

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“There are only two things I hate in this world…”

“…people who are intolerant of other people’s cultures, and the Dutch.” -Austin Powers. Well actually, we quite like the Dutch. And their pancakes.

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Tschüss, Deutschland!

To start, Katie would just like to clear the record on the whole “hoppy rabbit foot beer joke”. This was NOT her joke and anyone who is familiar with Greg and Nick’s particular brand of humor will probably have realized this, but she has a reputation to protect and thus just wants everyone to know that she never ever ever would utter such a thing. In fact, she heartily protested to its inclusion on the blog but was punished for doing so by being credited with its creation. Anyway it wasn’t me, um her. End of story.

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Another scorcher of a day here in Berlin. I swear its like the sun is out to get us. Whenever we are awake and want to do something its all like “I’m gonna be a jerk and shine on those clearly-already-hot tourists, muahahaha!” And then when we are finally exhausted and pass out in bed, the sun is mysteriously missing… Its akin to the barbaric nature of a cheetah, the fastest animal on the planet, taking down an injured antelope, who is inherently incapacitated, not that it could keep up with a cheetah anyway. Its like “C’mon sunny, I know we’re hella entertaining and all but, save the spotlight for when we really start performing.” Its like God’s cruel but fitting punishment for all those damned reality television series’.

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Guten Morgen, Das Berliners!

“Where are we?”
“I think we might be in Leipzeig”
“Lets ask Katie, she speaks German, maybe she can figure it out.”
“We’re in Berlin guys”
“Are you sure we’re not in Hamburg?”
“No, we’re in Berlin”
“How do you know we’re not in Budapest?”
“Because we didn’t go through Polish customs”
“But you said ‘I think we’re on the outskirts of Berlin’ like four hours ago, shouldn’t we have passed it by now? Could a city BE that huge?!?”
“I don’t know, I still don’t think we’re in Berlin. There wouldn’t be signs with ‘Berlin’ on them if we were in Berlin.”
“Yeah, maybe we should ask somebody. Hey Katie, ask somebody if we’re in Berlin”
“…we’re in Berlin”
“Hey! That lady’s giving out free coke!”

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