Posts Tagged ‘Europe’

Dreary day 2

After the fun experience of showering at the High Street Hostel, frying a blowdryer, and killing Greg’s laptop battery, we took advantage of the dreary weather to show Nick what Scotland really looks like. We wandered up to the castle again, then made our way down to see Greyfriars Bobby. Around Greyfriars, the primary school security guard wouldn’t let us take a photo of the cute uniformed kids.

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A long first day…

After waking up at ungodly hours and traversing the Atlantic via two separate flights, we are finally in Scotland. Katelyn certainly seemed happy to see Jen and Greg when we got into Waverly station this morning. While we waited for the mishap-delayed Nick to arrive, we took the opportunity to walk around town.

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T-Minus 36 Hours

The trip officially begins on Monday—that means some of us have to start packing soon. If you’re here for the first time, check out our interactive itinerary to see what’s in store for us the next month. We’ll start posting updates and photos as soon as we get somewhere interesting.

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