The Soundtrack of our Lives: Girl Band Edition

I think it’s about time for a follow-up to our previous entry on the Korean music scene. We just can’t get away from the K-pop, and we thought if it’s driving us crazy, it should drive you crazy too.

Girl bands are all the rage here, and it’s almost impossible for us to avoid their Korean brand of candy-pop music. To be sure, there are no less than five pop groups with the word “girl” in their name (thank you Wikipedia), all of which were formed by talent search a-la Backstreet Boys circa 1998.

We begin with the Wonder Girls, whose latest hit “Nobody” is annoyingly catchy, and has a very strange music video involving their real-life songwriter/producer/manager and a toilet. I’ll let you be the judge:

(If you’re itchin’ for more, their song “So Hot” is equally ubiquitous.)

The big-box stores here generally have a two-song rotation for shopping music, so more often than not we hear Brown Eyed Girls’ “How Come” by the time we get to the checkout aisle:

And finally we have the epitome of the Korean girl band: Girls’ Generation. How many members do you need? Four? Five? How about nine. Who was the guy that said “You know, eight just isn’t enough…”?! Here’s the video for their self-titled song; be sure to check out the oversized t-shirts with English jibberish because we see them all over the place. Quite the fashion statement, eh?

To be fair, it should be noted that there is a boy band (Super Junior) who top that with—get this—thirteen members. If I had to guess, I would say each guy gets to sing one line every other song.


after watching the first two videos (the third was no longer available by the time i got to view them), i have only one question… what is with the rap sequence in brown eyed girls’ song?! aka why does she need to flail a gun around?! ::sigh:: maybe it’s in the lyrics…

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