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Oh, internet access

Ok, so as you can tell it’s gonna be a bit difficult for us to post and update every day. We tried to book hostels that have Wi-Fi, but that’s not always gonna happen. So, we’re gonna store up posts for when we do gain ‘net access and post ‘em all at once. So bear with us on the holy-crap-that’s-a-ton-of-updates stuff.

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We keep our Brits about us

For our second day in Londontown, we slept in a bit, which was pleasant. It’s amazing what an extra half hour of shut-eye and some toast can do. We started the morning with the British Museum—5 thousand years of history under one roof. The Rosetta Stone, of course, was magnificent, but the throngs of school groups drove us upstairs to the exhibits on Greece and Italy.

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Heya London!

The overnight bus from Edinburgh to London turned out ok, albeit a bit too warm and snug for our liking. I guess we’ll have to get used to it since we’ve got a few more long bus rides ahead of us. We managed to get a spot of sleep, regardless, and weren’t terribly tired for the rest of the day.

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Goodbye Scotland

Today started with a bit of fun: Irish Lindsay (from Northern Ireland, one of two male Lindays on our tour) had a bit of a late night last night. All we know is it involved an entire bottle of Scotland’s finest. Needless to say, he was less than eager to wake when Greg poked him at 8:30, and consequently was very late to the coach. His punishment, of course, was to take a swim in the icy 5.5-degree-Celsius waters of Loch Ness. He was a good sport, and one of the Aussie guys in the group joined him as well. As a matter of fact, they swam twice that morning in attempts to lure Nessie into the shallows.

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Touching the Skye

Today was day 2 of our Scottish Highlands tour. After a hearty breakfast of porridge and having to wake the oversleeping boys (an alarm malfunction, honestly), we set off for Eilean Donan castle, which sits at the intersection of three lochs. It is indeed the perfect castle if you’re in the market, and only £2000 for a wedding is a bargain. That said, we couldn’t muster up £3.50 for the entrance fee, but we were completely satisfied with just the exterior.

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