Posts Tagged ‘France’

How to climb a mountain in 3 easy steps

For our second morning in Aix, Katelyn decided she wanted to climb Montagne Saint-Victoire. In hindsight, this probably was not the brilliant beyond brilliant idea that Katelyn thought it would be after such a late night. Nevertheless, the five of us set out around 10 am to catch the bus to the mountain side. Mt. Saint-Victoire is the mountain that makes starring appearance in many of Cézanne’s masterpieces and our expectations were as high as its altitude as we began our ascent. Jen and Nick were a couple of mountain goats, quickly getting ahead of the rest of us while Greg and Katie lagged behind, and Geraldine acting as our guide brought up the rear, wise to conserve her energy for later (she was climbing for a second time despite her better judgement).

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Bonne anniversaire, Geraldine

Aix-en-Provence, c’est la France! This town really is very charming, and feels almost exactly as you’d expect a small-ish southern French town to feel. We spent all morning browsing the street markets. Lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, and flowers, and handmade soaps, jewelry, and clothes for sale. We picked out some cherries and strawberries to go with our assorted breakfast pastries, which we ate on the steps of Palais du Justice.

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To Aix, via Detroit

Early this morning, we said ‘adios’ to Barcelona and got on the bus towards Marseille (and eventually Aix-en-Provence). As we made our way along the Mediterranean coast, we had stiff gales to go with our stiff legs. Taking a break at a rest stop somewhere in the Languedoc region of France, the bus driver warned us (in Spanish) to tie ourselves to the bus before getting off just to be sure we wouldn’t blow away. And he was definitely right. Back on the road, we all were a little concerned by the way the bus swerved and swayed on the highway because of the high winds. But the bus driver seemed to know what he was doing and we were soon making our way (safely) through Languedoc and on into Provence.

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Un Beau Matin

After all the excitement from the yesterday, all four of us slept like babies. We woke up and had breakfast in our hostel before gathering our belongings and heading out. Katelyn wanted to go to the Centre Georges Pompidou before leaving Paris and Greg decided he would humour her by tagging along. Jen and Nick opted to sit outside to guard the luggage and enjoy the free internet, but didn’t anticipate the heat and sweatiness. C’est la vie, non?

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À Paris

They say it is good luck if it rains in Paris on the first day. Well it didn’t rain on us but Paris certainly showed us how magical it could be. Katelyn got in last night after finishing her exam, saying her goodbyes to St Andrews, and rushing to the airport. She made it to the hostel with the help of some friendly Parisians and met Greg, Jen and Nick this morning. They were a bit weary from the bus, but we hit the town running.

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