Posts from September, 2008

Seoul searching on Chuseok

Last weekend we decided to break up the routine and venture out do something interesting. While we both agree that our jobs don’t really demand the kind of time and intellectual rigour we were used to in college,  it is a 9-5 job (or 10-6 to be more specific) and by the time the final bell rings we are usually too tired and hungry to do anything but head for home or to the nearest cheap restaurant with co-workers for dinner. So after 3½ weeks, I hadn’t been out of Suji and was desperately wanting to explore. Thus, we were happy to learn that Sunday, September 14th was a major holiday in Korea and we would have Monday off as a result.

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Field Trip: Beauty and the Beast

A quick update about our lack of updates. I now have installed the parts needed to fix my laptop, and I expect a full recovery. It’ll take a couple more days to download all our backups, but we should be able to resume semi-regular updates soon-ish. Oh, and lots of pictures, I promise. We went to Seoul a few times last weekend, and we’re planning a trip to Suwon this weekend, so there will be much to show and tell. Anyway, on to…

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Birthday and cooking fun

We’re sorry for the sudden dearth of updates, but I have figured out the computer issue (a bad hard disk I installed earlier this year; that’s what I get for buying Western Digital!!) and we should be back in business soon. In the true spirit of MacGyver (get it?) I’ve managed to jerry-rig something so that the machine gets a few more heartbeats while we wait for the replacement parts to traverse the Pacific. Cross your fingers, people.

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Children are taking over!

At this point, we’ve been around town enough to make some obersvations about the people around us and one of them is this: children are everywhere! Whenever we go out shopping, to restaurants, or even just walking around, we see tons of kids all over the place. Seriously, I’m beginning to wonder if there aren’t more people here under the age of 12 than over (at least in our area). Now, usually the prescence of youth isn’t something particularly noteworthy, but we’re starting to feel a somewhat bombarded by the little buggers. Most families we see have at least two kids, and we almost never see a couple walking down the street without a little pipsqueak in tow.

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The system is down

So, something weird is happening between my laptop and the wireless connection we’ve been stealing over the last couple weeks. Needless to say, we won’t be able to get online from home until I figure out what’s going on and how to fix it, and therefore posting has been and will be a litle sparse over the next few days.

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