Posts from September, 2008

On underwear and other things we’ve learned, thus far.

A countdown of the strangest (to our foreign eyes) things we’ve discovered about Korea:

  1. Trash bags are extremely difficult to find here in Korea. Greg and I looked up and down every aisle at Lotte Mart and Sing Sing Mart. Nothing. Finally (one whole week later) Greg got the brilliant beyond brilliant idea to ask one of the TAs at school and she was kind enough to write something in Korean on a sheet of paper. The rough translation of this message read: Read on

One week down

So, we’ve officially been in Korea for over a week now and are starting to get settled in some ways, and are far from settled in others. After spending most of the weekend unpacking, shopping, cleaning, and organizing, our apartment is definitely feeling much more like a home. All we need now are chairs (seriously, we have none of any kind), air conditioning, and real utilities (like internet). There’s a new teacher at KoC who started just today without any training whatsoever, so we’re glad we’ve got that week under our belt before jumping off the deep end at school.

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